NATURAL SCIENCES IN THE DIALOGUE OF GENERATIONS, September 12-13, 2024, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Abstract Submission

Participants willing to present a contribution are asked to prepare an abstract (in English). The submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Scientific Committee and after acceptance will be published in the Abstract Book (with the ISBN number and DOI identifier). The manuscripts of low scientific quality and those that will not correspond to the conference topics and formatting requirements will be rejected.


The Abstracts (no more than one A5 page) should state briefly and clearly the purpose, methods, results and conclusions of the work. Below the abstract should provide acknowledgments (if necessary) and 3-8 keywords. Do not include references in abstract.

Title: Times New Roman, 10, Bold, centered, in all upper-case letters, up to 80 characters, including spaces.

Authors last and first name: TNR, 9, Bold, centered, the presenter’s name is underlined.

Author details (Affiliations and Corresponding author e-mail): TNR, 9, Italic.

Text: TNR, 9, single spacing.

Acknowledgments and keywords: TNR, 8, single spacing.

Margins: 2 cm – top / bottom and 2 cm – left / right.

File Names: Include the last name of first author, the letter indicating chosen section and the type of presentation (e.g. Popescu_A_ORAL pres.; Popescu_A_POSTER pres., Popescu_A_ABSTRACT) in the file name.

Abstracts must be written in English and formatted according to the attached Template Abstract.